

What is quantitative method?

Updated: 12/20/2022
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Q: What is quantitative method?
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Is quantitative a research method?

No. qualitative is the research method.

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C. judgment method

What negative effects could occur if you used a quantitative sampling method for a qualitative study and vice versa?

Using a quantitative sampling method in a qualitative study could result in a lack of in-depth understanding of participants' experiences and perspectives. On the other hand, using a qualitative sampling method in a quantitative study could introduce bias and limit the generalizability of the findings.

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The pricipal use is in the volumetric titration - a method of quantitative chemical analysis.

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What are the ways of Solving transportation through quantitative techniques?

North west Corner Rule,Least Cost method ,Vogel's Approximation method(verification by Modi method,Stepping Stone Method)

Wt is quantitative and qunlitative mixed research?

A quantitative and qualitative mixed method research uses two mediums of research to combine a single report. It focuses on number (quantitative) and word, action and reactions (qualitative), to compile a single report.

Quantitative research is often reported as what to aid understanding?

Quantitative research are methodologies and reporting of numerical values, statistics and relationships to describe and model phenomena. Quantitative and qualitative procedures serve as the aid and foundation to understanding and executing the scientific method.