Less than 5 seconds. Less than 5 seconds. Less than 5 seconds. Less than 5 seconds.
On a clock!
yes 60 Seconds/minute * 15 minutes = 900 seconds. This is 10 seconds greater than 850 seconds.
There are 5400 seconds in 90 minutes which is greater than 540 seconds
4 minutes = 240 seconds 250 seconds is longer than that.
9.675 seconds
The lower time is the quicker. Therefore 17.083 is faster
No. The Patriots scored in a span of under 60 seconds.
What is quicker to NY than by bus.
Quicker Than the Eye was created in 1996.
Quicker Than the Eye has 262 pages.
Yes, much quicker.
The ISBN of Quicker Than the Eye is 0-380-97380-4.
Men are quicker than women because men have more muscle.
Officially 8.0 seconds for a 2.5 litre manual transmission. I think you may be quicker than this if you hold out in second gear.
new jersey is quicker because there are roadworks and you are unable to get out of new york in quicker time than new jersey
...depending on what magazine/web site you read, it's slated somewhere between 6-6.5 seconds. I own one, and I'd say it leans more towards six seconds, fractionally quicker than the GTi.