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Q: What is red cube in Botswanian language?
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Reyna has a red cube and a green cube. The surfaces of each cube are numbered 1 to 6. What is the probability that she will get an even number of the red cube and a 2 on the green cube?


There's a green cube a blue cube and red cube and they weigh a total 36 grams altogether the green cube is 3 times heavier than the blue cube and the red cube is 5 times heavier than the blue cube.?

blue cube weighs x grams green cube weighs 3x grams red cube weighs 5x grams total weight = 9x grams = 36 grams x = 4 grams blue weighs 4g, green weighs 12g, red weighs 20g

How do you say 'red cube' in some of the languages of Africa?

"African" is not a language. Africa is a continent that contains 54 countries and more than 2100 completely different languages. Some estimates place the number of languages at around 3000.If you have any quesitons about African languages, you will have to specify the language.The most prominent languages spoken in Africa are:AfrikaansAmharicArabicEnglishFrenchFulaHausaIgboOromaSomaliSwahiliYorubaZulu

If a wooden cube is cut in half and painte red what would this be?

It would be a wooden cube that has been cut in half and painted red.

Examples of words that are palatalized in English language?


How many cubes would a forty sided cube have painted red?

A cube, by definition, has six sides. There cannot be a 40-sided cube.

What are some important Holidays in West Africa?

Fourth of July, Botswanian Day, MIlitary Independence Day, Gender Bender Day

How many red cubes does a 27 c cube have?

From the information given, none of them need be red!

What culture or society is the movie God must be crazy is based on?

It's based on the Bushman culture of South Central Africa, the movie itself is Botswanian

What do you call the people from Botswana?

If its singular its motswana and plural it is batswana

How do you get automatic 3 red shells in Mario karts ds?

get a cube