It is already in simplest form! 65 is a prime number. plus 65= 13x5 and those are both prime numbers.
when there is no radical in the denominator
You can't simplify it more in radical form
71 is a prime number, so there is no simpler form of radical 71 than radical 71.
√163 cannot be reduced.
200 = 2*100. Square root of 100 is 10. So, reduced form is 10 times the square root of 2.
I think you mean simplified form of sq root (320) = 8x sq root 5
It is already in simplest form! 65 is a prime number. plus 65= 13x5 and those are both prime numbers.
300 = 100*3 So sqrt(300) = 10*sqrt(3)
2.018606997in radical form??
294 is an integer and there is no sensible radical form for it.
2i radical 5 * * * * * No. it is ± i*radical(25) which is ± 5i. Not sure why the answer is requireed in radical form.
when there is no radical in the denominator
48 does not need to be put in radical form. But, it can be: √2304
That IS the simplest radical form.