That probably just refers to the "meter" ("metre"), to distinguish it from square meter and cubic meter.
No - generally speaking, a regular pencil is around 15 centimetres, or 0.15 metres long.
You approximate the irregular shape with many small regular figure, for example, long and thin rectangles.
A milli voltmeter is suitable for measuring voltage/potential difference in milli volts, thus they measure smaller voltages. A regular voltmeter is used to measure comparatively larger voltages.
about the size of a regular family saloon (i.e. 4 x 2 x 1.5 m)
1000 litres.The volume does not provide enough information to determine the shape: it could be a sphere, ellipsoid, cube, cuboid, other regular or irregular polyhedron, or simply a blobby shape! There is, therefore, no way to say anything about its dimensions.
A meter is the organization of beats into regular groupings.
One thing that a taxi cab would have that a regular car wouldn't is a meter. The meters determine how much a passenger will need to pay once they get to where they need to travel to.
I suppose regular or most common timing is 4/4
blank verse
Probably a regular energy meter that is meant for you to use in your house.
A meter.
A meter
regular patterns of stressed and unstressed sylables.
A regular meter in poetry refers to a consistent pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables within a line of verse. It creates a rhythmic structure that helps to establish the poem's pacing and can contribute to its overall tone and mood. This structured pattern of meter is often found in traditional forms like sonnets or haikus.
A meter - to display the cost of the journey !