

What is regular plants?

Updated: 12/16/2022
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Q: What is regular plants?
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like a regular plant

What is better for plants synthetic or regular motor oil?

motor oil, of any kind, would kill most plants

Can iuse a Regular lamp to grow plants?

A regular lamp will not produce healthy plants. "Grow lights" or fish tank lights work best as they provide the required light colors for plant growth and health.

What are facts aquatic plants?

One: they live in water instead of land like regular plants Two: they don't need air

What plants did pioneers see?

The pioneers saw oak trees and regular trees

What is in regular soil?

Regular soil typically contains a mixture of organic matter (such as decomposed plant material), inorganic materials (like sand, silt, and clay), microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, and other microbes), water, and air. It also may include minerals like phosphorus, potassium, and nitrogen.

Can regular water grow plants?

Yes, regular water can be used to grow plants, as it provides essential hydration to plants for their growth and development. However, some plants may benefit from specific types of water, such as distilled water for sensitive plants or rainwater for some garden plants.

How do you care for Hypoestes phyllostachy?

it's a regular plant treat it like your other plants

When can you put houseplants outside?

As soon as regular outside temperature is similar to where you had the plants inside

How much water does regular water mean for a plant?

Regular watering for a plant typically means providing enough water to keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. This could vary depending on the type of plant and its individual watering needs. It's generally recommended to water plants when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch.

Do plants grow faster with flavor water or tap water?

well plants grow better in regular water but if they get any water they will still grow

How is nuclear transported?

If you mean nuclear power, it is just regular electricity, so it's transmitted along regular hydro lines to the power plants, where it is distributed.