

What is regular school?

Updated: 11/21/2022
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Q: What is regular school?
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How many days are there in a shcool year?

There is 180 Regular school days in a year. Its different if you were to go to a charter school or private, there might be even l

Example of regular verb with past tense and future tense?

EatPast tense - ate.Future tense - will eatFor example, "The boy ate so much candy on Halloween he had a stomach ache."or"I will eat that piece of cake later."Eat is not a regular verb it is an irregular verb.walkpast tense - walked - He walked to school yesterday.future tensewill walk - He will walk to school every daygoing to walk - He is going to walk to school next walking - He is walking to school tomorrow.

How much does regular school clothes cost per year?

The cost of regular school clothes can vary depending on factors such as the student's age, location, and personal style preferences. On average, parents can expect to spend anywhere from $100 to $500 per year on school clothes. However, it is important to note that this is just an estimate and actual costs may differ.

What is a instrument used to measure a regular solid?

A regular (3D) solid could be a cube or cuboid, and a rigid plastic ruler (as used in a school) or tape measure could be used. A sphere could be measured by a flexible tape measure around it widest circumference, as used in tailoring. Nowadays, there are instruments that use a laser beam to measure regular and irregular 3D shapes.

what is the mathematical term for a cube?

A regular hexahedron.A regular hexahedron.A regular hexahedron.A regular hexahedron.

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What is better a year around school or regular school?

regular you get to see your family!

what is private military school?

The difference between a regular military school and private military school is that a private military school is more expensive than a regular military school.

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The difference between a regular military school and private military school is that a private military school is more expensive than a regular military school.

What is an alternative school?

Any school that is different in some way from regular school.

What do German school students wear to school?

They wear regular clothing.

What Kind Of High School's Do Actor's Go To?

Regular High School

What do kids in the Czech Republic wear to school?

regular school uniforms

What school did Abe attend?

He attended Harvart law school after he had 18 mounths of regular school.

What school does Peyton roi list go to?

She doesn't go to regular school.

Are there dorms at Holmdel high school?

No it's a regular public high school.

What school does skai Jackson go to?

she went to a school of acting or a regular school or she was home schooled

What does the law say about going to school in New Jersey?

Compulsory ages for school in New Jersey is ages 6 through 16 for regular ed students.Compulsory ages for school in New Jersey is ages 6 through 16 for regular ed students.Compulsory ages for school in New Jersey is ages 6 through 16 for regular ed students.Compulsory ages for school in New Jersey is ages 6 through 16 for regular ed students.