Multiplication is repeated when one number is repaeted. This can also include a phrase. Such as 3.1212121212121212121212. Then just draw a line over the first number or phrase that is repeating.
The meaning of en Rouge is in red and repeated thrice has no effect on anyone or anything, but is used as a phrase which show contentment.
To show students that it was very simple and easy to be safe during an atom bomb attack
The phrase "Duck and Cover" was repeated many times throughout the video because it was a key message in promoting nuclear safety during the Cold War era. The idea was to teach people to quickly get down on the ground and take cover under a sturdy object in the event of a nuclear attack. By repeating the phrase, the message would be ingrained in people's minds and they would be more likely to react appropriately in an emergency.
"repeated" = it was repeated, it happened at least twice, if not several times; "repeatable" = its characteristics show that it can be repeated (this does not necessarily mean that that even will in fact repeat itself.
Assonance is a vowel sound that is repeated internally in words in a phrase.
end rhyme --A regularly repeated line or phrase at the end of a stanza is a "refrain."
repeated phrase or motif
a jargon or colloquialisms
The phrase "and it came to pass" is the most repeated phrase in the Book of Mormon, appearing over 1,400 times throughout the text. It is commonly used as a transition term to move the narrative forward.
Multiplication is repeated when one number is repaeted. This can also include a phrase. Such as 3.1212121212121212121212. Then just draw a line over the first number or phrase that is repeating.
They repeated the phrase "Never shall I forget..."
Ostinato - a motif or phrase which is persistently repeated at the same pitch. Riff - a repeated chord progression.