

What is represent outcome?

Updated: 12/16/2022
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Q: What is represent outcome?
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In the case of equally likely outcomes, it represents the number of times out of a denominator number of trials, that you will get a favourable outcome.

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Take a variable, and multiply it by another, making sure to only use variables to represent your outcome variable.

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How is an outcome different than a favorable outcome?

When the outcome consists of an event that is not the one you are looking for.

How do you make an outcome?

You make an outcome by solving everything and the result that is left is referred to as the outcome!!

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to guess the outcome

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War between british and the colonist outcome?

The outcome was that the colinist won. The outcome was that the colinist won.

What is the difference between a favourable outcome and a possible outcome?

Given a specific event, a favourable outcome is when that event occurs. A possible outcome is an event that can occur.

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The 5 in 3d5 refers to the number of sides on the dice that is being rolled. In this case, it means rolling a 5-sided dice three times. The outcome will be a number between 3 and 15.