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Q: What is right sided and left sided signal?
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Can you drive left sided vehicles in Australia?

You may drive left sided vehicles. You may not drive them on the right hand side of the road.

Do you turn the turning signal up or down if your turning left?

You turn the turning signal up to go left and down to go right. You turn the turning signal up to go left and down to go right.

Is left turn signal flasher separate from flasher relay for right turn signal?

Same flasher for left and right signals but a different flasher for the emergency flashers.

What is the problem with a 1992 Mazda 929 if the left signal is working but not the right signal?

The right side will have a burnt out/ missing light bulb.

During thinking process are you thinking from left or right side of brain?

Depends on if you are a right or left sided thinker. Some people are both!!!

When you turn right signal on the left signal gets brighter and the right signal light goes out?

You have a problem with your ground. A weak ground will always cause this type problem.

Why do you feel vibrations on your left leg?

Humans are naturally born with stronger left arms and left legs. During the early 1800s, anyone who was left handed or left legged was forced to use the right leg or hand instead. Children born in this era adopted the techniques of their parents. Because all the parents where forced to be right legged, the children knew no better and accepted right sidedness, even the ones that were truly left sided. People who are naturally left sided, but have been tricked into rightsidedry at a young age have often noticed that their left arm or leg feels ticks or "vibrations". These vibrations will get more aggressive as you age. The only way to stop them is to accept that you are actually left sided and to start doing everything with your left arm and left leg. Have you noticed that you are smarter than all your right sided friends? it's probably because naturally left sided people are smarter, even if they've been tricked into being right sided!

What does it mean when right turn signal is faster than left?

It means your turn signal bulb burnt out.

Why would the left and right turn signal lights stay lit?

Bad turn signal flasher.

Difference between right sided and left sided colon cancer?

Right sided colon cancer takes place in the ascending and transverse colon, as left sided colon cancer is found in the descending and sigmoid colon. Right sided colon cancer is associated with more advanced disease when found and can spread more readily to LNs or peritoneal carcinomatosis. These tumors show more K-RAS mutations and microsatellite instability. Overall survival is lower in right sided colon cancer. Left sided colon cancer tend to cause more obstructive problems, often develop from polyps in early stages and tend to become metastatic to lung and liver sites. More information on the differences of right and left colon cancer can be found at:

Where is the left turn signal relay on a 2006 Honda Ridgeline located?

the left turn signal light on my ridgeline does not work but the right side works

What is a two-sided prompt?

In a shell you have a prompt that is right justified and one that is left justified.