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i dont know continental

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Q: What is rock that form with a regular repeating structure?
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What land form is shaped like a triangle?

A Rock

What is the purpose of using angles when building a bridge?

They are used to support other elements of the structure as well as to divert the load to support columns which are usually based in the bed rock.

How do you get the volume of an irregular and regular shape?

Any regular shape,like a cube or sphere, can be described mathematically and its volume can be calculated easily. An irregular shape, such as a rock can be mesured by displacment of water, or by scanning it in three dimensions.If the object's density is known, it need only be weighed. volume is a amount of mater space takes up TY! PEOPLE!

If a 7 lb rock is placed on a hill what will happen in 100 years?

Answer:The only change is atmospheric pressure on the rock if it is on a hill.Please refer to the question: ?The form of "a 7lb rock" in 100 years varies according to reactions:- Chemical Reactions:- chemical properties of the rock(i.e: includes salt),- the behaviour of the medium it is kept(i.e: humid or dry environment, solvent materials),- Physical Reactions:- External forces applied to the rock(i.e: acceleration),- Inertial forces of the rock. (i.e: surface tension).

How do you find the volume of the rock?

By its mass sweety. :) * * * * * It depends on the size of the rock. If you can lift it, find a container that is big enough to hold it. Put that container inside a collecting tray. Fill the container with water (or another liquid) to a level at least as high as the rock. Mark that level. Put the rock in the container gently. Measure the rise in the level of water and, if appropriate, collect the water that overflowed into the collecting tray. Calculate the difference in the two water levels. Add the overflow volume if appropriate. That sum is the volume of water displaced by the rock and so the volume of the rock. If the rock is too massive to lift or be contained in something you will need to estimate its volume. That can be done by profiling its shape and partitioning that into smaller, more regular shapes. Calculate the volumes of all those shapes and sum the answers.

Related questions

What is a regular repeating arrangement of atoms within a rock called?

A regular repeating arrangement of atoms within a rock is called a crystal lattice. This lattice gives crystals their characteristic shape and internal structure, which can be seen under a microscope or macroscopically.

What is the difference between magma and crystal?

Magma is molten rock beneath the Earth's surface, while a crystal is a solid material with a regular and repeating atomic structure. Magma can cool and solidify to form crystals through the process of crystallization.

How can a mineral be formed naturally?

All minerals are crystalline, and form by crystallization from a liquid medium. This may be molten rock or a solution in hot water. As these cool, atoms become locked in chemical bonds in a repeating pattern which is low in energy. This forms the repeating structure of a crystalline mineral.

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They form when magma pushes through melting the rock which re-hardened and it keeps repeating itself

How does weight affect the way in which sedimentary form layers?

it depends of the structure and the way the rock is form

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Diamond is a rock made up of carbon atoms. Its structure is a repeating pattern of carbon atoms bonded together in a strong, three-dimensional network.

Why does obsidian rock contain no crystals?

Obsidian forms when lava cools very quickly, preventing the formation of crystals. This rapid cooling doesn't allow enough time for the minerals in the lava to organize into a crystal lattice structure, resulting in a glassy texture instead.

What is the igneous rock that cooled too quickly for a crystal structure to form?

Obsidian is an example of an igneous rock that cooled too quickly for a crystal structure to form. It is a volcanic glass that is smooth, shiny, and exhibits conchoidal fracturing.

Is rock a crystalline solid?

Yes, rock is a crystalline solid. Rocks are made up of minerals, which have a crystalline structure formed by the arrangement of atoms in a repeating pattern. This gives rocks their characteristic hardness and texture.

Is David Scott Repeating Yesterday a Rock Opera?

Yes. David Scott's Repeating Yesterday is an instrumental Rock Opera. Supposedly there is a Repeating Yesterday movie in the makings right now.

Can a rock be heated into an old rock?

It can be melted, but would form the same type of rock when it was cooled and hardened again, the structure depending on how it cooled and how fast.

How can you change the density of solid rock?

Melting the rock to its liquid form then re-freezing it into a solid will realign the rock's crystaline structure thereby altering the density.