There is no roman numeral FOR 40, but it can be written XXXX.Improved Answer:40 = XL (-10+50 = 40)
XXX is the Roman numeral for 30. XL is the Roman numeral for 40.
The roman numeral XL represents the number 40.
40 minus 20 = 20 and its equivalent as a Roman numeral is XX
40 is XL
There is no roman numeral FOR 40, but it can be written XXXX.Improved Answer:40 = XL (-10+50 = 40)
XXX is the Roman numeral for 30. XL is the Roman numeral for 40.
The roman numeral XL represents the number 40.
40 minus 20 = 20 and its equivalent as a Roman numeral is XX
40 is XL
The Roman numeral 65 thousand and 40, 65040, would be (LXV)XL
It is: XL = 40
The Roman numeral for 948 is CMXLVIII. (CM = 900, XL = 40, VIII= 8)