It is 22.04540769
The square root of 212 simplified is: 14.6
The square root of 20 is simplified as: ± 4.5
The square root of 13 simplified is 3.6
486 = 81 x 6 sqrt 486 = sqrt (81 x 6) = 9sqrt(6)
It is 22.04540769
The square root of 65 cannot be simplified.
The square root of 20 simplified is ±4.5
The square root of 828 simplified is 28.8
The square root of 96 simplified is: 9.8
The square root of 212 simplified is: 14.6
The square root of 20 is simplified as: ± 4.5
The square root of 13 simplified is 3.6
The square root of 176 simplified is 13.3
The square root of 382 cannot be simplified.