The sale price is $30.00
Assuming the discount is applied before the sales tax is added... 20% of 52 is 10.4, so the price after discount is 41.60. 7% of 41.60 is 2.91 - so your final price is 44.51
The original price was $75.00
sales tax is $2.33 total cost is 38.18
Multiply by 1.75
Divide Sales Price by 200% (ie 2). So cost is half of sales price.
The sale price is $30.00
it the profit on sales price be 20/100 thepercentag ofprofit on cost price is
The total with sales tax is 1,575.00
Profit is 100% on cost price of product.
Assuming the discount is applied before the sales tax is added... 20% of 52 is 10.4, so the price after discount is 41.60. 7% of 41.60 is 2.91 - so your final price is 44.51
The total is $13.99
The total tax is $0.70 and the total price with tax is $14.70.
16.84 is the full price.
The original price was $75.00
sales tax is $2.33 total cost is 38.18
Multiply by 1.75