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Q: What is sampling in digital communication?
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Why you are using sampling theorem in communication systems?

sampling is a one type of process use for converting into analog signal to digital signal.

What is the advantage of sampling analog signal?

1-What are the advantages of sampling analog signals?2-what are the following terms mean : instantaneous Sampling , Natural Sampling , and Flat-top Sampling ?3- what are the advantages of digital communication over analog communication ?4-Explain the reason for making the sampling frequency greater than or equal to (2B)Hz , where B is the bandwidth of the analog signal

Definetion of nyquist rate in digital communication?

if the sampling rate is twice that of maximum frequency component in the message signal it is known as nyquist rate

What is common sampling technique in communication system?

Random Sampling is the most common sampling technique

Why digital communication is known as digital communication?

because it's digital communication.

Why is digital communication known as digital communication?

In digital communication message is to be transmitted in digital form. That is why it is called so .

Why must sound and video input to a PC be converted from analog to digital?

Because in order to preserve the original sound, a digital sampling rate must be twice the frequency of the analog signalAnalog data is smooth and continuous, where as digital data, such as the binary data used in computers, has distinct gradations. The process of producing digital data by measuring data at a series of representative points is called sampling.

What is the sampling rate in Hz?

Sampling rate is a defining characterstic of any digital signal. In other words, it refers to how frequently the analog signal is measured during the sampling process. Compact disks are recorded at a sampling rate of 44.1 kHz.

Why do you go for sampling in digital signal processing?

we have to do sampling in dsp because in dsp we have to convert all in analog signal in digital form so for converting into digital signal first we have to convert continuous tome signal into discrete time we use samplin in dsp...

What is sampling rate in audio digitization?

Sampling rate or sampling frequency defines the number of samples per second (or per other unit) taken from a continuous signal to make a discrete or digital signal.

What is meant by sampling in analog to digital conversion?

while conversion of analog signal to digital signal, we need to convert continuous analog signal to discrete signal. this can be done by dividing the analog signal into specific time slots. this process is known as sampling. there is a condition for sampling that can be given as follows. fs<=2fm

How data communication and digital communication differ?

In digital communication we talk about signal while in data communication we talk about data and the could be in the form of packets or frames.