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Q: What is scattered and linear and clustered?
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What three types of settlement pattern?

Dispersed settlements: characterized by homes spread out over a large area. Clustered settlements: where dwellings are grouped closely together, often forming villages or towns. Linear settlements: where buildings are arranged in a line, often along a road, river, or other linear feature.

What did streets ville grow as a clustered settlement or linear or scattered settlement?

clustered settlement

What are three basic population distribution patterns?

linear pattern , concentrated pattern , clustered pattern ...:)

What are the different types of settlements called?

linear (strings), scattered (dispersed), clustered

What is are three major patterns in settlement in Canada?

linear settlement (building are places in a straight line) clustered settlement (building are packed in an area) scattered settlement (building are placed far apart)

What are the names of different settlements?

linear , clustered and dispersed

What is scattered settlement pattern?

Linear Settlement: a pattern of settlement in which homes and other buildings follow the lines taken by a road. Clustered Settlement: a pattern of settlement in which houses and other buildings are laid out closely together.

What is the pattern of settlement for Espanola Ontario scattered linieror clustered?

word up dawg

What is the definition of the scattered settlement pattern?

Several types of buildings spaced far apart that don't really follow a certain pattern as a linear settlement pattern would and is the exact opposite of a clustered settlement pattern. One place that in which the scattered settlement pattern would be used for is for farmland since there are few buildings scattered around that is used for farming. Glad to help!

What were Settlement patterns?

the three types of settlement patterns are 1)Linear 2)Scattered (rural) 3) CLustered (urban)

Is the population of dhaka scattered?

Yes most of it is but a lot of Dhaka is clustered because Dhaka is a huge city

What are the three types of settlement pattern?

The three types of settlement patterns are dispersed, clustered, and linear. Dispersed settlements are spread out with significant distances between buildings, clustered settlements group buildings closely together, and linear settlements are elongated along a transportation route, such as a road or river.