Well there are alot but heres an example: "Thats my personal info"
Can you give sentence by using abyss word?
This is an example of a sentence using the word derivative. The teacher liked it when the student used the derivative of the trash words
A sentence using the word admit could be this, "The man on trial did not want to admit he was wrong."
An example of using the word adjusted in a sentence would be the following sentence: She has adjusted to living in a new town.
He is pervicicacious in his beliefs.
make sentences using personal pronouns
Larry coaxes some personal details out of him.
From the start, Michael was unstinting in his professional and personal generosity.
I is a personal pronoun.
I am not writing a sentence using that word.
"I just used the word personal space in a sentence." Move over your in my personal space!!"
a sentence using the word endotracheal
This is a sentence using the word aviator.
Your question is an intrusion.Her intrusion into the meeting made the boss angry. That rock has an intrusion of another type of rock.
this is a sentence using the word armchair.
I am saying a sentence using the word collagen.
My diary is very personal.