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4 and 1/2

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Q: What is seven and a half minus three?
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What is seven and one third minus three and one half fractions?

Seven and one third minus three and one half = 23/6 or 35/6

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It is seven and three fourths.

What is four and seven eights minus three and a half?

1 and 3/8

What is three minus seven?

three minus seven is four

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4.70 - 3.50 = 1.20

What is seven and one half minus five and three eighths?

2 and 1/8

What is one and three eighths minus one and seven eighths?

It is one negative half.

What is seven and one half minus one eighth?

Seven and three eighths !

23 and a half minus seven and five eighths?

23 and a half minus seven and five eighths equals 15.875

Is seven and a half greater or less than twelve and seven ninths minus 5 and three eighths?

7 1/2 is greater

Half of seven thousand minus 500?

Half of 7000 is 3500 minus 500=3000.

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