Seventy-five thousand, two hundred forty.
45,000- the forty five part is the numbers before the comma. This is a comma , the thousand part means three zeros after the comma.
750,001 It is not seventy five hundred thousand one. It is said as 'Seven hundred and fifty thousand and one'.
Fifteen million, seventy-nine thousand, three hundred forty-five point six eight.
Seventy-five thousand, two hundred forty.
Forty-five million, seventy thousand, seven.
To write 2,345,000,678,000 in words, you would start by breaking down the number into groups of three digits, starting from the right. The number would be written as "Two trillion, three hundred forty-five billion, six hundred seventy-eight million." The remaining three digits, "000," would be ignored in the written form as they do not change the value of the number.
13,040,075 | thirteen million, forty thousand, seventy-five.
40000809075 = 40,000,809,075
45,000- the forty five part is the numbers before the comma. This is a comma , the thousand part means three zeros after the comma.
in numbers it would be: 40,000 + 5,000 + 1 = 45,001 In words it would be: forty thousand + five thousand + one = forty five thousand and one. [or] forty thousand plus five thousand plus one equals forty five thousand and one.