easy! .075
It is seven hundred seventy five thousandths.
Seventy-eight and three thousandths in decimal form is 78.003
72.035 = seventy-two and thirty-five thousandths.
Seventy five and one hundred thirty four thousandths can be written in decimal form as 75.134. In expanded form, it can be written as 70 + 5 + 0.1 + 0.03 + 0.004.
Seventy-five thousandths
easy! .075
0.075Seventy five thousandths in standard decimal form is: 0.075
It is 3.175
It is seven hundred seventy five thousandths.
Seventy-eight and three thousandths in decimal form is 78.003
0.079 is 79 thousandths in decimal form.
72.035 = seventy-two and thirty-five thousandths.
Seventy five and one hundred thirty four thousandths can be written in decimal form as 75.134. In expanded form, it can be written as 70 + 5 + 0.1 + 0.03 + 0.004.
The standard form of seventy-five thousandths (0.075) is: 7.5 × 10-2