Seventy-two thousand, sixty-seven.
61 67.
Oh, dude, 72067 in words is seventy-two thousand and sixty-seven. Like, it's one of those numbers that sounds super fancy when you say it out loud, but really it's just a bunch of digits hanging out together. So, yeah, seventy-two thousand and sixty-seven, that's the secret code for 72067.
Seventy-two thousand, sixty-seven.
Sixty three out of seventy in its simplest form as a fraction is 9/10
Seventy-two thousand, sixty-seven.
seventy-five percent of sixty = 45= 75% of 60= 75% * 60= 0.75 * 60= 45
Sixty-nine over seventy-two equals 69/72 equals 0.95833.
70% of 60 is 42
70% of 60 is 42
Seventy two thousand and sixty seven.
60,073 = sixty thousand, seventy-three.
Sixty to Seventy is the consensus estimate.