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Not with the head harness pulled back and the straps tucked in

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Q: What is short term storage for the protective masks when stored for less than 30 days?
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What is short term storage for the protective masks?


Short-term storage for the protective masks is when it is stowed for less than 30 days with the head harness pulled back and the straps tucked inside of the mask.?


Where is energy stored in livng things?

Energy in living beings is stored as chemical energy. For long-term energy storage a sugar is used; for short-term energy storage, ATP.

What provides short-term energy storage for animals?

Glycogen is the primary form of short-term energy storage in animals. It is stored in the liver and muscles and can be quickly broken down into glucose for energy during times of increased energy demand.

Why is ATP only good for short term storage?

the energy from atp is stored in its high-energy phosphate bonds, this energy is released when the bonds are broken therefore atp can only be used as a short term storage for energy

When you eat an apple the energy stored within the apple is referred to as?

Monosaccharides are what the short term energy storage in apples are called.

What provides short term energy energy storage for plants?


Where are nutrients accumulated or stored for short or long periods?

Nutrients are accumulated and stored in various body tissues and organs, such as the liver, muscles, and adipose tissue, for both short-term and long-term periods. Short-term storage occurs in tissues like the liver and muscles, where nutrients are readily accessible for energy production. Long-term storage happens in adipose tissue, where excess nutrients are stored as fat for energy reserve.

Where does the body store carbohydrate short term?

Carbohydrates are absorbed by the body and converted into glucose. The glucose can be stored as fat or as glycogen in the liver or the muscles. There is no short term storage of carbohydrates.

What has the invention of the fridge freezers done to food storage?

The invention of the fridge freezers has allowed food to be stored and not go rotten in such a short period of time. This allows food to be stored for longer periods of time, and a larger quantity of food to be stored.

Sugars are stored as this?

Sugars are stored as glycogen in the liver and muscles for short-term energy needs or converted into fat for long-term energy storage.

What is the main storage molecule in animals?

Animals have molecules that can store energy for short term and long term periods of time. Animals use carbohydrates as short term storage and Lipids as long term storage.