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Q: What is shown on the y axis of a line graph?
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Which is shown on the y-axis on a graph?

A vertical number line

The axis on which the categories are shown in a bar and line graph?

Horizontal line (left to right) is the x-axis and the vertical line (up and down) is the y-axis.

What graph is used for change over time?

This is called a line graph, with time shown on the x-axis in seconds, minutes, hours etc. and the data values shown on the y-axis.

The vertical axis of a graph shows the?

The dependent variable is shown on the vertical, or y-axis of a graph.

What is the vertical axis of a graph called?

The y-axis is the vertical line on a line graph.

When motion of an object is shown by a straight line on a distance-time graph with distance on the y-axis the slope of the line is?

The constant acceleration

What is a vertical line on a graph?

A vertical line is a line that runs up and down. On a graph, it is either the y axis or parallel to the y axis. It is also perpendicular to the x axis.

Once a graph has been created would y?

Once a graph has been created, y would be the axis which is shown up and down on the graph. The x axis is shown from left to right on the graph. Both are reference lines on a graph.

On a graph the vertical line is...axle?

On a typical graph, the vertical line is the y-axis, they horizontal line is the x-axis.

What is the 0.0point on a line graph where the x-axis and y-axis cross a graph?

the origin

In a line graph the horizontal axis is called the?

Y axis

What is an y axis?

The Y axis on graph is the line that goes UP and Down vertially