Only that when converted to Fahrenheit, the same number comes out: minus 40.
(-40) degrees Fahrenheit = -40 degrees Celsius.
40 degrees Celsius = 104 degrees Fahrenheit [°F] = [°C] × 9⁄5 + 32
Start by taking the number in Celsius and multiply it by 9. Then divide that number by 5, and then add 32. This is how you convert Celsius to Fahrenheit or use the equation F = (9/5) C + 32 It's funny but it's true. It happens that -40 degrees Celsius is -40 degrees Fahrenheit.
0 C = 32 F 100 C = 212 F 180 degrees F equals the measurement of 100 degrees C 9 degrees F therefore equals 5 degrees C -40 F is 72 degrees F below freezing -40 C is 40 degrees C below freezing Convert F to C 5 times -72 is -360 divided by 9 is -40 C convert C to F 9 times -40 is -360 divided by 5 is -40 F
-40 c = -40 f
-40 degrees Fahrenheit is the only temperature at which Fahrenheit and Celsius scales are equal.
-40 degrees Celsius is equal to -40 degrees Fahrenheit.
-40 degrees Fahrenheit is equal to -40 degrees Celsius.
The average bath water temperature is 30 degrees C. I like my baths to be about 40 degrees C :P
The average bath water temperature is 30 degrees C. I like my baths to be about 40 degrees C :P
-40 degrees Fahrenheit is the same as -40 degrees Fahrenheit. It is the point where the Fahrenheit and Celsius scales intersect, making them equivalent at that temperature.
40 C
The temperature at which the Celsius and Fahrenheit scales have the same value is -40 degrees, where -40°C is equal to -40°F.
The temperature - 40 °C is equal to -40 °F. This is the only temperature at which the two scales (Celsius and Fahrenheit) have the same numerical value.
-40 degrees Celsius is equal to -40 degrees Fahrenheit.
) Define two functions that convert temperatures between degrees Fahrenheit and degrees Celsius. C= (F+40)* 5/9 -40 F= (C+40)* 9/5 -40 > (defun f-to-c (f)(- (/ (* (+ f 40) 5) 9) 40)) > (defun c-to-f (c)(- (/ (* (+ c 40) 9) 5.0) 40))
-40 degrees Celsius is equal to -40 degrees Fahrenheit.