

What is similar to money?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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Q: What is similar to money?
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It receives ATP as interest. The body stores glucose to utilize energy when you need it. This is similar to saving money in an account until you need the money for something.

How is the chemical energy in glucose similar to money saving in a account?

It receives ATP as interest. The body stores glucose to utilize energy when you need it. This is similar to saving money in an account until you need the money for something.

How is the chemical energy in glucose similar to the money in savings account?

It receives ATP as interest. The body stores glucose to utilize energy when you need it. This is similar to saving money in an account until you need the money for something.

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There is a fear of poverty, which is similar. That is peniaphobia.

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money and customs.

Who gives away free money?

It depends what the money is needed for. Charities and similar organizations may help. .

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because it is money

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Bondholders loan money to bond issuers just as banks loan money to customers.

What are some similar thing between tax and discount?

There are no similar things between the two except that they both involve money.