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Q: What is six point military grid system?
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What would the commander use to precisely locate a place or point on a map?

A four-, six-, or eight-digit military grid reference system (MGRS), (e.g., LB6448).

What would the commander use to precisely locate a place feature or point on a map?

A four-, six-, or eight-digit military grid reference system (MGRS), (e.g., LB6448).

What is a 6-figure grid system?

a military reference systemA six figure grid is a map. The map tells reading skills beyond levels.

Six figure grid co-ordinate system?

A six figure grid co-ordinate system is the standard method for maps. This system is used in the Global Positioning System.

What is a six grid references?

A six figure grid reference is a more detailed type of grid reference. Basically you divide the squares into 100 smaller squares then write a three figure easting then a three figure northing all you really have to do is take away the decimal point

What is a six figure grid reference?

A six figure grid reference is a more detailed type of grid reference. Basically you divide the squares into 100 smaller squares then write a three figure easting then a three figure northing all you really have to do is take away the decimal point

Plotting a six-digit grid coordinate will get you within how many meters of the point you wish to identify?

100 meters

How do you find the six figure grid reference?

Six figure grid reference can be find by first measuring eastings and than northings.

What does 1.06 shade in a grid?

It would be a full grid(100 all shaded) and six more on another hundred-grid.

What is the six figure grid reference for Old Harry Rocks?


What is a 6 figure system grid?

a military reference systemA six figure grid is a map. The map tells reading skills beyond levels.

How do you do six figure grid refrences?

for six figure grid refrences you have to first go up the stairs and then along the corridor.