eight thousandths = 0.008 six thousandths = 0.006
It is six hundred and eighteen thousandths!
In words - that would be six thousandths.
The standard form for six and eighty-six thousandths is 6.086.
Six thousandths in decimal form is 0.006
eight thousandths = 0.008 six thousandths = 0.006
Six thousandths.
9.688 688 thousandths is like this. the first place after the decimal is tenths, then it is hundredths for the second place and thousandths for the third place.
It is six hundred and eighteen thousandths!
In words - that would be six thousandths.
Six hundred-thousandths. Could be easily confused with 0.600: six hundred thousandths. (as in "six" "hundred-thousandths" vs "six hundred" "thousandths")
Five and six thousandths.
Six tenths or six hundred thousandths.
The standard form for six and eighty-six thousandths is 6.086.
Six and eight thousandths is 6.008
Six and two hundred thousandths