Is that a comma or a decimal point after 1.? If it's a comma: Eight thousand and one, one hundred and sixty three. If it's a decimal: Eight hundred and one point one hundred and sixty three (one, six, three).
144 / 360 = 0.4
One hundered and sixty four point three, eight.
Is that a comma or a decimal point after 1.? If it's a comma: Eight thousand and one, one hundred and sixty three. If it's a decimal: Eight hundred and one point one hundred and sixty three (one, six, three).
60 / 1340 = .0447
1000000000 / 365 = 2,739,726.0274
144 / 360 = 0.4
One hundered and sixty four point three, eight.
Three thousand, three hundred sixty-one point (a bunch of numbers) three thousand, three hundred sixty-one and three thousand four hundred forty-five hundred thousandths four points past zero is plenty for anyone
189369.33 = One hundred and eighty-nine thousand, three hundred and sixty-nine point three three.