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The equation of a straight line is y = mx+b whereas m is the slope and b is the y intercept

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Q: What is slope intercept form using m and amp b?
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How do you calculate percentage of profit using tally software?

Their are two ways select ratio analysis & tally gives you various ratios alternatively select profit & loss account Press F12 & select show percentages as yes and save

Can you put 4 subwoofers on 1 amp?

Yes you can depending on the wattage of the amp. i personally would only put two 12's on one amp. cause it will still bump hard!!(:

How many milliamps are there in an amp?

"milli" means a thousandth in the metric units of measurement. Thus 1000 milliamps = 1 amp.

How much power is consumed through a 3 amp?

-- If the 3 Amp is being drawn from a battery,then the battery is supplying3 x (Voltage of the battery) watts.-- If the 3 Amp is flowing through a resistor,then the resistor is dissipating9 x (Resistance of the resistor) watts.

Write a program using switch case to find the area of a square rectangle and a cylinder using functions?

# include # include int ch,r,a,h,d,l; float Ac, Ar, At; void main() { clrscr(); printf("\n press1,area of circle"); printf("\n press2,area of rectangle"); printf("\n press3,area of triangle"); printf("\n enter your choice"); scanf("%d",&ch); switch(ch) { case 1: printf("\n enter values to find area of circle"); scanf ("%d",&r); Ac = 3.14*r*r; printf("\n area of circle is %f",Ac); break; case 2: printf("\n enter values to find area of rectangle "); scanf("%d%d",&a,&h); Ar= a*h; printf("\n area of rectangle is %f",Ar); break; case 3: printf("\n enter values to find volume of cylinder"); scanf("%d%d",&d,&l); At = 0.5*d*l; printf("\n area of triangle is %f",At); break; DEFAULT: printf("\n enter the proper choice"); } getch(); }

Related questions

When is the Op-amp said to be working in its linear range?

When the slope of the output/input is a straight line, before the knee point. The knee point is where the slope dramatically changes from the linear region to saturation.

Can you use a guitar amp for a microphone?

No, a guitar amp is designed to amplify the signal from a guitar, not a microphone. Using a microphone with a guitar amp can damage both the microphone and the amp.

How can I improve the sound quality of my drum set by using an amp?

To improve the sound quality of your drum set using an amp, connect the drum set to the amp using the appropriate cables, adjust the amp settings to enhance the drum sound, and experiment with different EQ settings to find the best sound for your drum set.

Are automotive batteries 6 amp or 2 amp?

a gmc battery can be from 500 to 1000 cracking amps. if you are using a 2 or 6 amp charger the 6 amp will charge faster than the 2 amp.

Constant current generation of linear sweep voltage using op-amp?

When using the Op-amp we get constant current generation of the linear sweep voltage.

How can an OP-AMP be nulled?

op-amp can be nulled using offset voltage about +/- 1.5 mv to offset pins

What is the full form of OP-AMP?

operational amplifier

What size breaker is used for a 5 ton 34 amp minimum 60 amp maximum?

60 amp using AWG # 6 copper for branch circuits.

Can you replace a 20 amp fuse with a 10 amp fuse?

NO! Using a larger amp fuse defeats the purpose of the fuse to protect the wiring in the circuit. This can cause a fire. Always use the correct amp fuse for that circuit.

Can you replace a 10 amp fuse with a 20 amp fuse?

NO! Using a larger amp fuse defeats the purpose of the fuse to protect the wiring in the circuit. This can cause a fire. Always use the correct amp fuse for that circuit.

How do you find the alternator amp using th vin?


How can i get a metal sound on my amp?

If your using a bass try using a pick and if not i dont know sorry.