Their are two ways select ratio analysis & tally gives you various ratios alternatively select profit & loss account Press F12 & select show percentages as yes and save
Yes you can depending on the wattage of the amp. i personally would only put two 12's on one amp. cause it will still bump hard!!(:
"milli" means a thousandth in the metric units of measurement. Thus 1000 milliamps = 1 amp.
-- If the 3 Amp is being drawn from a battery,then the battery is supplying3 x (Voltage of the battery) watts.-- If the 3 Amp is flowing through a resistor,then the resistor is dissipating9 x (Resistance of the resistor) watts.
# include # include int ch,r,a,h,d,l; float Ac, Ar, At; void main() { clrscr(); printf("\n press1,area of circle"); printf("\n press2,area of rectangle"); printf("\n press3,area of triangle"); printf("\n enter your choice"); scanf("%d",&ch); switch(ch) { case 1: printf("\n enter values to find area of circle"); scanf ("%d",&r); Ac = 3.14*r*r; printf("\n area of circle is %f",Ac); break; case 2: printf("\n enter values to find area of rectangle "); scanf("%d%d",&a,&h); Ar= a*h; printf("\n area of rectangle is %f",Ar); break; case 3: printf("\n enter values to find volume of cylinder"); scanf("%d%d",&d,&l); At = 0.5*d*l; printf("\n area of triangle is %f",At); break; DEFAULT: printf("\n enter the proper choice"); } getch(); }
When the slope of the output/input is a straight line, before the knee point. The knee point is where the slope dramatically changes from the linear region to saturation.
a gmc battery can be from 500 to 1000 cracking amps. if you are using a 2 or 6 amp charger the 6 amp will charge faster than the 2 amp.
When using the Op-amp we get constant current generation of the linear sweep voltage.
op-amp can be nulled using offset voltage about +/- 1.5 mv to offset pins
operational amplifier
60 amp using AWG # 6 copper for branch circuits.
NO! Using a larger amp fuse defeats the purpose of the fuse to protect the wiring in the circuit. This can cause a fire. Always use the correct amp fuse for that circuit.
NO! Using a larger amp fuse defeats the purpose of the fuse to protect the wiring in the circuit. This can cause a fire. Always use the correct amp fuse for that circuit.
If your using a bass try using a pick and if not i dont know sorry.
it is used to design filters using op-amp.