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The point with the given coordinates does not lie on the curve and so the question makes no sense.

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Q: What is slope of curve at point where equation is y is equal to 10 of x at 1 comma 3 Coordinates?
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To graph a linear equation, one must first simplify it into the slope-intercept form, y=mx+b, where m is equal to the slope of the line. Next, one must find the x and y coordinates. By making x equal to zero the equation can be simplified into y=b, giving the coordinate (0,b). Plot this point on your graph. By making y equal to zero, the equation becomes x=[(-b)/m], giving the coordinate ([(-b)/m], 0). Plot this point on your graph. Once you have both coordinates marked, simply connect these two points with a line.

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equation 1: y = x-4 => y2 = x2-8x+16 when both sides are squared equation 2: x2+y2 = 8 Substitute equation 1 into equation 2: x2+x2-8x+16 = 8 => 2x2-8x+8 = 0 If the discriminant of the above quadratic equation is zero then this is proof that the line is tangent to the curve: The discriminant: b2-4ac = (-8)2-4*2*8 = 0 Therefore the discriminant is equal to zero thus proving that the line is tangent to the curve.

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Never. By definition, the two sides of an equation are equal.

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If it doesn't have an equal sign, then it's not an equation.

What is initial tangent?

The tangent (of a curve) is a vector that is tangent (perpendicular to the normal), i.e. the instantaneous velocity of the curve at a specific point. As such, the initial tangent is the initial velocity of the curve at the point where t=0. Stated in other terms, the tangent is the slope of the line at a point. This is expressed (in two dimensions, but applicable to higher dimensions), as the line that has x and y coordinates equal to the point of tangency, and slope equal to the limit of delta y over delta x as delta x (and delta y) approaches zero.