No, they are not equal. Usually one would get two fractions to a common denominator, to compare, but you could also have the same numerator and compare (think of comparing 1/4 to 1/3 - they have the same numerator).So if you multiply numerator/denominator of 6/15 by 5, then you have 30/75. Since the (75) is greater than (65), then the fraction (30/75) is the smaller fraction. [Just like 1/4 is smaller than 1/2.]Or do this: 30/65 = 6/13, which is greater than 6/15 (smaller denominator means larger fraction).The other way is to get both to common denominator. So 30/65 simplifies to 10/13, and 6/15 simplifies to 2/5. So 65 is the common denominator, and we have 6/15 = 26/65, which is less than 30/65.
minus 6 is smaller.
No, they are not equal. Usually one would get two fractions to a common denominator, to compare, but you could also have the same numerator and compare (think of comparing 1/4 to 1/3 - they have the same numerator).So if you multiply numerator/denominator of 6/15 by 5, then you have 30/75. Since the (75) is greater than (65), then the fraction (30/75) is the smaller fraction. [Just like 1/4 is smaller than 1/2.]Or do this: 30/65 = 6/13, which is greater than 6/15 (smaller denominator means larger fraction).The other way is to get both to common denominator. So 30/65 simplifies to 10/13, and 6/15 simplifies to 2/5. So 65 is the common denominator, and we have 6/15 = 26/65, which is less than 30/65.
To find 65 percent of a number, multiply the number by 0.65. In this instance, 0.65 x 6 = 3.9. Therefore, 65 percent of 6 is equal to 3.9.
It is 291.4833... Kelvin.
minus 6 is smaller.
Divide both by 13 65/78 = 5/6
Chiquititas - 1995 6-65 is rated/received certificates of: Argentina:Atp