40 out of 103 is a fraction. Prime numbers are whole numbers. A fraction cannot be a prime number, so 40 out of 103 is not a prime number.
40 % = 40 / 100, so (40 / 100) * 29 = 0.4 * 29 = 11.6
40-280 USD or so
40 is a rational number, so the question is misguided.
100% of any number is that number itself. So 100% of 40 is 40
If your 18 it's special...
72 divided by 40 is 1% so 100 times that is...
To calculate the number of neutrons in an atom of potassium-40, subtract the atomic number (which is 19 for potassium) from the mass number (which is 40 for potassium-40). So, 40 (mass number) - 19 (atomic number) = 21 neutrons in potassium-40.
40 out of 103 is a fraction. Prime numbers are whole numbers. A fraction cannot be a prime number, so 40 out of 103 is not a prime number.
40 % = 40 / 100, so (40 / 100) * 29 = 0.4 * 29 = 11.6
12 is special because it's before 13 and 13 is an unlucky number.