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Q: What is socialogical problem?
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What sociologist introduced the concept of the socialogical imagination?

C wright mills

What produce crime?

1..according to a theory there r 23 couples of cromosomes in constructions of a human body in this 22 cromosomes r normal but 23rd is especially about crime according to his parents. 2.crime is a process which we seek from our envoirment.(perfect socialogical theory)

Were Italians put in interment camps by the United States on US soil during World War 2?

About 51,000 Italians were intered or relocated shortly after the USentered the war.As a footnote to this racial and socialogical turmoil, the father of MajorLeague Baseball player Joe DiMaggio's father who was a Californiafisherman lost his boat and was sent away from the coast.

Are girls aware that they should not touch every boy if they want be to sincere?

No,not really we think that if we're sincre the boy willl feel our feelings and everything will be kool !! ......well sum gurlz dat iz.... Actually, touching is a socialogical / regional thing that does not always have insincerity, or even sexuality, attached. You have to call it on the fly, and if you are uncomfortable, simply say so - a sincere person will adjust as needed.

Word endings for the word problem?

Some word endings for "problem" are problematic, problematize, and problematical.

What is socialogical theorizing?

Sociological theorizing involves the development and application of theories that seek to explain social behavior, institutions, and structures. Sociologists use theories to analyze patterns, understand social phenomena, and make sense of the world around us. Theories in sociology help us to uncover underlying social forces and provide frameworks for interpreting and predicting human behavior within a societal context.

How do you say no problem in yiddish?

In Yiddish, you can say "keyn problem."

How does carbon cause this problem?

The 'problem' of 'this problem' is not understood.

How does a problem became a scientific problem?

when the problem needs a scientific proof it becomes a scientific problem

Is the problem polynomially reducible to another problem?

Yes, the problem is polynomially reducible to another problem if it can be transformed into that problem with a polynomial-time algorithm.

What is the answer for a addition math problem?

The answer to an addition problem is the sum of the problem.

What is a predicment in wrestling?

A problem?