The answer to the riddle "I am bought by the yard but worn by the foot" is the carpet.
Shoe laces
carpet or other flooring
12 inches=1 foot 3 feet= 1 yard 1 yard= 1,760miles
Yard is BiggerA foot is 12 inches and a yard is 3 feet, so a yard is longer.
The answer to the riddle "I am bought by the yard but worn by the foot" is the carpet.
Yarn; when woven into a pair of socks it is purchased by the yard and worn by the foot.
Shoe laces
carpet or other flooring
12 inches=1 foot 3 feet= 1 yard 1 yard= 1,760miles
Yard is BiggerA foot is 12 inches and a yard is 3 feet, so a yard is longer.
A yard is three times the size of a foot.
A boot is worn on the foot.
One foot is 1/3 of a yard
One yard is equal to three feet. A yard is bigger.