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It is a 3 dimensional shape and in geometrical terms it's only limited to one of 5 perfect solids

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Q: What is solid geometric figures?
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What contains all geometric figures?

The only thing that can contain all geometric figures is the set of all geometric figures, which is an infinite set.

Difference between fractals and other geometric figures?

Traditional geometric figures have dimensions which are integers: 0 for a point, 1 for a line or Mobius strip, 2 for a plane figure or Klein bottle, and 3 for a solid. Fractals have dimensions which are not integers.

Is a cone a geometric solid or a polyhedron?

geometric solid

Trianguluar prism and rectanguluar prism?

They exist in the realm of typographic errors. Triangular prisms and rectangular prisms are solid geometric figures.

What are the geometric figures?

toy figures that have to do with geologic features

What geometric figures are two dimensional?

Plane figures.

What are prisms?

A solid geometric figure whose two end faces are similar, equal, and parallel rectilinear figures, and whose sides are parallelograms.

What is a solid geometric figure whose two end faces are similar equal and parallel rectilinear figures and whose sides are parallelagrams?

A prism.

What does geometric figures mean?

toy figures that have to do with geologic features

What solid geometric figures contain triangles?

3 dimensional figures with triangular sides? Prisms and Pyramids 2 dimensional figures that can be divided into traingles? Any n-gon with n > 3 can be divided into n-2 triangles.

Is a rhombicuboctahedron a geometric solid?

Yes it is. Anything that is 3D is usually a geometric solid. (Think)