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One is the only integer with one factor.

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Q: What is something unique about the number one?
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If something or some one is one of kind. you say they are?

Unique Unique

What is the definition of the unique number in math?

unique number: The number 1 has only one factor. (It is therefore unique.)

What is one of a kind?

something unique, the only one on Earth

How is 1 a unique number?

The number one has the unique property of multiplicative identity: any number times 1 is the same number.

What do you call something that there is only one of?

one of a kind, unique, irreplaceable..

How many unique prime factorization of a number are there?

By definition, "unique" indicates there is only one.

What is one unique characteristic about a bottlenose dolphin?

it is something that i do not know

If one is not a composite number or a prime number then what is it?

A number with only one unique divisor is called a "unit".

What number to call to be famous?

It doesn't work that way. Be unique at something and fame will find you.

How exactly is the word unique defined?

The word unique is used to describe something that is one of a kind. Unique can be used to describe a person place or thing that is considered to be a one of a kind.

Can something be very unique?

No, the adjective "very" is not appropriate because "unique" means there is just one of the "something" and "very" is a scalar active (as in "loud" and "very loud").

What is a unique code?

a pin you get when you do an online survey or something and they text you its to be sure they got your correct number