

What is something very large?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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Q: What is something very large?
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Is something that is microscopic very small or very large?

Very small.

What is something scientists use to help explains something that is very small or very large?

a model.

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Some valleys are very large. They begin with the letter V.

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something very hard to in something very small in a very large area.impossible.

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A very large dosage of something.

What is something that scientists use to explain something that is very small or very large?

Scientists use the concepts of scale and magnitude to explain phenomena that are very small or very large. These concepts help put the size of objects or events into perspective by comparing them to familiar objects or distances. Scientists also use scientific notation to express very large or very small numbers in a more manageable way.

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Walloping means something is large or huge. It could also men fine or impressive. Walloping means Very fine; impressive or Very large; huge.

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Loch Ness is a very large lake in Scotland

Large lizard SOMETHING dragon?

i believe you are thinking of the komodo dragon, wich is a very large lizards living on the komodo and Rinca islands.

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No, "huge" is not a verb. It is an adjective used to describe something as very large or immense.

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You have to make a very large image, then choose the text option and set the size to something over 150 for extremely large text

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Instigate means to start something usually with very large consequences. For example instigating a war.