Microfibers are considered especially good for dusting and cleaning because their make up is a polyester fabric that is denser and has more surface area than other fabrics.
A square is a special rectangle.
A parallellogram is a special type of polygon and a special type of quadrilateral.
The noun form for the adjective special is specialness.The word special is also a noun form, for example:The commuter special stops here at eight and four.Today's special is yesterday's meatloaf.
yea they are special parolellogram
A rhombus is a special kind of parallelogram.A rhombus is a special kind of parallelogram.A rhombus is a special kind of parallelogram.A rhombus is a special kind of parallelogram.
Microfibers are made of a blend of polyester and polyamide fibers, combined to produce fabric that is superior for water absorption and cleaning around the home and garage.
noun;1. A fine synthetic yarn.
Microfibers are ultrafine synthetic fibers that can be woven into fabric. They are known for their softness, durability, and ability to repel water. Microfiber fabrics are commonly used in cleaning cloths, athletic wear, and furniture upholstery.
Microfiber is a very thin man-made fiber. Microfibers are used to make a variety of products, from cloth towels to apparel.
Early dyes were made of plant matter. One example is Indigo, now commonly used for blue jeans. Now it is a man-made chemical. But it was very popularly grown in India and Japan and was known in ancient civilizations around the world. Basically, when the microfibers of a material are dyed a different colour, something will stain. It can happen intentionally, like permanent marker, or unintentionally like... a food stain, or grass stain. Microfibers act as magnets to dyes, which is why, they are so hard to get rid of.
Moisture wicking happens when synthetic microfibers draw(or wick) the moisture from the skin and force the moisture to the surface where it is released. Synthetic microfibers have hydrophobic (water hating) properties whereas cotton has hydrophilic (water loving) properties. http://CoolWickingPJs.com has wonderful moisture wicking pajamas that really work
The Shamwow product works by using microfibers to absorb large amounts of water like a sponge. Shamwows work about as well as anyone could expect a commercial liquid absorbing cloth to work.
it really depends on how you want to, there is antibacterial soap and hot water, sea salt sprays, or sea salt solutions. q-tips usually leave microfibers in your ears if cleaned with them so its best to use something else.
Natural fibers include those produced by plants, animals, and geological processes, also called sulphite, refer to the type of pulping process used to remove the Microfibers in technical fibers refer to ultra fine fibers.
wine or curry mainly or sometimes with children get grass stains.
Science and technology are greatly linked. As technology develops we are able to discover things we couldn't before like new planets or how atoms works. And as our understanding of science develops we can apply the new knowledge to technology to develop it further like with microfibers and laser precision technology.