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Each side of any one triangle must be congruent to one side of each of the other three triangles.

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Q: What is special about triangles that make up a tetrahedron?
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Does a tetrahedron have any right angles?

No. A right angle would be 90 degrees; a tetrahedron is composed of four equilateral triangles, which by definition have equal angles of 60 degrees apiece.* * * * *Wrong!A tetrahedron is a solid shape enclosed by any four triangles. Only a regular tetrahedron that requires equilateral triangles. So an ordinary tetrahedron can have right angles - up to 3 of them at one vertex.

What solid figure can you make with 4 congruent triangles?

The only thing I can come up with would be a tetrahedron. You could make a pyramid with a square (open) base, I guess.

Do triangles have faces?

No.Faces relate to 3-dimensional objects, for example a tetrahedron, a cube. They are the 2-dimensional shapes that make up the surface of a 3-dimensional objectA triangle can be a face though, for example, a tetrahedron is made up of 4 triangular faces.

How many faces does a tetrahedron have?

A tetrahedron has 4 faces. A "regular tetrahedron" has an equilateral triangular base with three equilateral triangles as sides coming up from it.

A shape with 4 faces except for tetrahedron?

There are no other shapes that have only four flat faces except for a tetrahedron, although the faces thatmake up the tetrahedron can be triangles of various shapes and need not be all identical.

What is the fewest number of triangles that make up a trapezoid?

The fewest number of triangles that make up a trapezoid are two isosceles triangles.

How many triangles in a icosihenagon?

27 triangles make up an Icosihenagon

What are the 5 basic polyhedrons?

Tetrahedron (4 triangles, like a pyramid design with a triangular base) Cube Octahedron (8 triangles - like two pyramids stuck together at the base, one going up and one going down) Icosahedron (20 triangles) Dodecahedron (12 pentagons)

How many triangles in an hexagon?

3 triangles make up a hexagon.

How many triangles make up the shape of a pyramid?

There are 4 triangles that make up a pyramid. 4 on the sides and on the bottom a square or rectangle.

What kind of triangles make up the faces of a triangular hexahedron?

They can be any kind of triangles.

What shapes make up an octagon?
