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Each side of any one triangle must be congruent to one side of each of the other three triangles.

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Q: What is special about triangles that make up a tetrahedron?
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Does a tetrahedron have any right angles?

No. A right angle would be 90 degrees; a tetrahedron is composed of four equilateral triangles, which by definition have equal angles of 60 degrees apiece.* * * * *Wrong!A tetrahedron is a solid shape enclosed by any four triangles. Only a regular tetrahedron that requires equilateral triangles. So an ordinary tetrahedron can have right angles - up to 3 of them at one vertex.

What solid figure can you make with 4 congruent triangles?

The only thing I can come up with would be a tetrahedron. You could make a pyramid with a square (open) base, I guess.

Do triangles have faces?

No.Faces relate to 3-dimensional objects, for example a tetrahedron, a cube. They are the 2-dimensional shapes that make up the surface of a 3-dimensional objectA triangle can be a face though, for example, a tetrahedron is made up of 4 triangular faces.

A shape with 4 faces except for tetrahedron?

There are no other shapes that have only four flat faces except for a tetrahedron, although the faces thatmake up the tetrahedron can be triangles of various shapes and need not be all identical.

How many faces does a tetrahedron have?

A tetrahedron has 4 faces. A "regular tetrahedron" has an equilateral triangular base with three equilateral triangles as sides coming up from it.

What is the fewest number of triangles that make up a trapezoid?

The fewest number of triangles that make up a trapezoid are two isosceles triangles.

How many triangles in a icosihenagon?

27 triangles make up an Icosihenagon

What are the 5 basic polyhedrons?

Tetrahedron (4 triangles, like a pyramid design with a triangular base) Cube Octahedron (8 triangles - like two pyramids stuck together at the base, one going up and one going down) Icosahedron (20 triangles) Dodecahedron (12 pentagons)

How many triangles in an hexagon?

3 triangles make up a hexagon.

How many triangles make up the shape of a pyramid?

There are 4 triangles that make up a pyramid. 4 on the sides and on the bottom a square or rectangle.

What kind of triangles make up the faces of a triangular hexahedron?

They can be any kind of triangles.

Why do we cut sandwiches into triangles?

People cut sandwiches into triangles to make them look special. There aren't many things you can do with a sandwich to make it look festive. You can cut off the crusts or cut shapes out of it with a cookie cutter, but that wastes part of the sandwich. Cutting it into triangles is a quick and easy way to 'fancy up' a plain sandwich.