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Q: What is special about zeros name?
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What number is followed by100000 zeros?

There is no special name for that. Just write it in scientific notation, as 10100000.

What is a quadratic polynomial which has no zeros?

A quadratic polynomial must have zeros, though they may be complex numbers.A quadratic polynomial with no real zeros is one whose discriminant b2-4ac is negative. Such a polynomial has no special name.

1 followed by a 1000 zeros?

This can be written as 101000. There is no special name for this number, as far as I am aware, and it isn't worthwhile to invent one.

What is the number called that has a million zeros?

a googol? Nope that is 1 followed by one hundred zeros. A googolplex is one followed by a googol zeros. There is no broadly accepted name for 1 followed by one million zeros.

What is a number followed by 23 zeros called?

There is no specific name for a number followed by 23 zeros, seven and eight zeros would be ten million and hundred million respectively (6 is a million and 9 is a billion). The name for a number followed by 21 zeros is sextillion and the name for a number followed by 24 zeros is a septillion. So, for example, 7 followed by 23 zeros would be equivalent to 700 followed by 21 zeros and so would be called Seven hundred sextillion.

How many zeros are in a goololplex?

There are one hundred zeros in a googolplex. This is the largest number in the entire world with a name.

How many zeros are in infinity?

An infinite number of zeros is in infinity, so one specific number is not possible.

How much 0s in infinity?

There are an infinite number of zeros in infinity.

What is the name of the number 1 followed by 99 zeros?

Some say a googol is 1 followed by 99 zeros & some say it has 100 zeros. I think it's 100. A dotrigintillion is 1 followed by 99 zeros.

What is the name of the no. where one is followed by 600 zeros?


What is the name of the number with 67 zeros?

Undecillion vigontillion

What is the name of the number with a 1 followed by 100 zeros?

A googol. An alternative spelling is google, which is where the search engine got its name from.The original definition of googol was: write 1 and then write zeros until you get tired, but it became standardised at 100 zeros aftert the 1.A googolplex is 1 followed by googol many zeros