

What is spent water?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: What is spent water?
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It depend on how long you spent in there if you spent a year in there it prbally would

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part of their life

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How much money is spent yearly is spent on bottled water in the US?

0.00 because America recycles it and knowing is half the battle.

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52 million

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7 years

Where are spent fuel rods stored?

In water filled tanks on the power station site

Are nuclear spent fuel rods dumped in the ocean?

Dumping nuclear spent fuel rods in the ocean is illegal and poses serious environmental risks. Radioactive materials from spent fuel rods can contaminate marine life, water, and the ecosystem. Safe and secure storage solutions are used to manage nuclear waste.

Why is spent fuel rods stored in a pool of water?

Spent fuel rods are stored in pools of water because they continue to generate heat and radiation after being removed from the reactor. The water acts as a shield to absorb radiation and helps to cool the fuel rods. This method ensures the safe handling and storage of the radioactive material.

What do you reduce when you take shorter showers?

The amount of time spent in the shower and the amount of water used.

How many liters of water were spent to product one can cola?

call the company and ask em