A 'spot check" is a random sampling to gather infiormation to determine an outcome or on which to base an action.
(For instance: Police may conduct random 'spot checks' of motorists to determine their compliance with having proper insurance, vehicle registrations, or drivers licenses in their possession.)
The answer will depend on what the "myan civilation" (whatever than means) was or is! I suggest some checking of your spelling may be a good idea.
Routine checking is for verification of each and every items of books of a/c'sTest checking refers to examination of selected numder of items.2. Routine checking is to check all the transactions without exceptions.Test checking avoids immaterial items.3. Routine checking is on routine basis.Test checking may be weekly, monthly or quarterly.
Use a formula or algorithm for finding the greatest common factor. When in their simplest form, the numbers in a ratio have a GCF of 1. this is often easy to spot without formally checking; for instance, if any of the numbers are prime, then they are in their simplest ratio.
Pythagoras cult rules where the rules is? Pythagoras cultis not definened
No, I am not.
it is not a hot spot they can afford a police system
there are no rules
a r police means and rules and regulations
Rules of engagement for police forces vary from municipality to municipality and state to state. They are trained to protect the people that they serve.
Police that regulate the rules
you cant trip, no holding, no checking in mites through peewee, no cross checking, and you cannot stand in the crease
Police must follow the same rules of the road as the general public except when their code equipment (lights and siren) is in use.
Rules and police.
Near Christmas the Police were doing spot check on motorists, testing them to ensure they had not been drinking.
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He was eventually captured by the Mexican police. He was executed on the spot.