9.45 x 10-9 in standard notation is 0.00000000945
It is: 4.57*10^9 in scientific notation
It is: 5.3*10^9
The standard number 0.09 in scientific notation is: 9 × 10-2
It is 9*10^-2
1.0 × 10-9 written in standard notation is: 0.0000000010
9.45 x 10-9 in standard notation is 0.00000000945
In standard notation it is 2.7*10^9
1 x 10^9 in standard notation is 1,000,000,000If you meant 110 to the ninth power (110^9) then the standard notation is 2,357,947,700,000,000,000
It is: 4.57*10^9 in scientific notation
90,000 In standard scientific notation, 90,000 is written as 9 x 104
It is: 5.3*10^9
The standard number 0.09 in scientific notation is: 9 × 10-2
It is 9*10^-2
The standard form of 9.54 x 10 to the -5th power is: 0.0000954
That is the standard notation.
It is 1.31*10^9 in standard form or scientific notation