A standard numeral is stating a number in number form. Examples:
one hundred = 100
one thousand = 1,000
ten thousand = 10,000
one hundred thousand = 100,000
one million = 1,000,000
The standard numeral is 9,000,000,000,000
The standard number for the Roman numeral MCMLI is 1951.
the definition is the numeral that defise the number of 10
A standard numeral is simply a number written in number form - 1, 2, 3, etc.
The Roman numeral for 750820 would be (DCCL)DCCCXX
The standard numeral is 9,000,000,000,000
The standard number for the Roman numeral MCMLI is 1951.
the definition is the numeral that defise the number of 10
A standard numeral is simply a number written in number form - 1, 2, 3, etc.
Do you mean, what is the standard Roman numeral for a million? If so, it is: M with a horizontal bar above the numeral to signify multiplication by a thousand. Or do you mean, what is one million in standard form? If so: 1000000 = 1x106
The Roman numeral for 750820 would be (DCCL)DCCCXX
165 is.
It represents: 560