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Q: What is straightening motion of a joint to increase the angle between two adjacent segments called?
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What is the distance between two adjacent crests or between two adjacent troughs?

Wavelength is the measure of distance between adjacent crests or troughs.

When you straighten your fingers out are you extending or flexing?

When you straighten your fingers out, you are extending them. Flexing refers to bending the joints to decrease the angle between bones, while extending refers to straightening the joints to increase the angle between the bones.

The number of segments between prostomiun and clitellum?

There are about 30 segments between the prostomium and clitellum of an earthworm. actually this question asked as differently as "How many segments are between the prostomium and clitellum of an earthworm?" see answer for this question.

What is the distance between two adjacent compressions?

the distance between two adjacent compressions is called the wavelength

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Yes, magnetism is a force. Any force applied to an object will either increase or decrease the friction between that object and an adjacent surface.

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The ends of lap windings are connected to adjacent segments of the machine's commutator, whereas wave windingsare connected between segments that are some distance apart. This results in lap windings having 2p parallel paths, where p represents the number of pole pairs; whereas a wave winding has just two parallel paths.

What is the distance between two adjacent crests or between two adjacent?

Wavelength is the measure of distance between adjacent crests or troughs.

Function of septa in earthworm?

Septa in earthworms separate each segment of the body internally. They provide structural support and help in coordinating muscle movement for locomotion. Additionally, septa help in the circulation of fluids and gases within the body segments.

What movement occurs in the sagital plane?

Flexion and extension movements occur in the sagittal plane. Flexion involves bending at a joint to decrease the angle between two body parts, while extension involves straightening at a joint to increase the angle between two body parts.

In a compressional wave one wavelength is the distance between adjacent compressions or adjacent?

sound wave

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The name for the elevation difference between adjacent contour lines is the contour interval.