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Q: What is stronger signal number 1 or signal number 3?
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What is public storm signal number 3?

The signal number 3 is the second strongest typhoon!

Is there electrical equipment can sum 3 dc signals to get 1 output signal?

An operational amplifier can sum an arbitrary number of signals and produce a single output signal.

Who is stronger silver surfer or the thing or Spider-Man or wolverine?

number 1 would be wolverine number 2 is silver surfer 3 is the thing and 4 spider man

Is strong acid on the pH scale is it 3?

Acids are numbered from 1 to 6.9. The closer the number is to one, the stronger an acid it is. A 6ph would be a weak acid.

What are the 3 categories of Front Side Bus signals?

1. Data Signal Group 2. Address Signal Group 3. Common Clock Signals

What is a storm signal number 1?

It is the first storm/typhoon warning said in the TV news broadcasts when the local weather bureau (PAGASA) detects a storm. Normal classes usually are in service still. Signal No. 1: Mild to strong winds Signal No. 2, 3 and 4: Cancellation of classes due to flooding and strong winds

Volvo 240 check engine codes?

89-93 models 1-1-1 No faults. 1-1-2 ECU. 1-1-3 Fuel injectors. 1-1-3 Heated Oxygen sensor-max enrichment sensed (94-up). 1-1-5 Injector #1. 1-2-1Mass airflow sensor. 1-2-2 Air temp sensor signal. 1-2-3 Coolant temp sensor signal. 1-2-5 Injector #2. 1-3-1 Ignition system RPM signal. 1-3-2 Battery voltage. 1-3-3 Throttle switch signal (idle). 1-3-5Injector #3. 1-4-2 ECU faulty. 1-4-3 Knock Sensor signal missing or defective. 1-4-4 Fuel system load signal(missing or defective). 1-4-5 Injector #4. 1-5-3 Rear heated oxygen sensor signal. 1-5-4 EGR system-leakage or excessive flow. 1-5-5 Injector #5. 2-1-2 Oxygen sensor signal(front sensor on 94 and later models). 2-1-3 Throttle switch signal. 2-1-4 Ignition RPM signal erratic. 2-2-1 Heated Oxygen Sensor(Rich mixture/part throttle). 2-2-2 Main relay. 2-2-3 Idle valve signal. 2-2-4 Coolant temp sensor signal. 2-2-5A/C pressure sensor signal. 2-3-1 Lambdfa adjustment. 2-3-1 Heated Oxygen sesnor(lean mixture/part throttle) 94-up. 2-3-2 Lamda adjustment. 2-3-2 Adaptive heated O2 sensor control (94-up). 2-3-3 Idle valve-closing signal. 2-3-4 Throttle switch signal missing. 2-4-1 EGR malfunction. 2-4-5 Idle air control valve-closing signal. 3-1-1 Speedometer signal. 3-1-4 Camshaft position signal missing or defective. 3-1-5 EVAP emission control system. 3-2-1 Cold start valve-signal missing. 3-2-2Airflow meter hot wire. 3-2-4 Camshaft position siganl erratic. 3-2-5 ECU memory failure. 3-3-5 TCM request for MIL. 4-1-1 Throttle switch signal faulty or missing. 4-1-3 EGR temp sensor signal incorrect or missing. 4-1-4 Turbo boost regulation. 4-1-6 Turbo boost reduction from TCM. 4-2-5 Temp warning level #1. 4-3-1 EGR temp sensor faulty or missing. 4-3-2 High temp warning inside ECU. 4-3-3 No rear knock sensor signal. 4-3-5 Front heated oxygen sensor - slow response. 4-3-6 Rear heated oxygen sensor compensation. 4-4-3Catalytic converter efficiency. 4-4-4 Acceleration sensor signal. 4-5-1 Misfire - #1 cylinder. 4-5-2 Misfire - #2 cylinder. 4-5-3 Misfire - #3 cylinder. 4-5-4Misfire - #4 cylinder. 4-5-5 Misfire - #5 cylinder. 5-1-1 Adaptive oxygen sensor control-lean mixture at idle. 5-1-2 Oxygen integrator at max lean running limit. 5-1-3 High temp warning inside ECU. 5-1-4 Engine cooling fan-low speed signal faulty. 5-2-1 Oxygen sensor preheating-front. 5-2-2 Oxygen sensor preheating- rear. 5-3-1 Power stage-group A. 5-3-2 Power stage-group B. 5-3-3 Power stage- group C. 5-3-4 Power stage- group C. 5-3-5 TC control valve signal. 5-4-1 EVAP valve signal. 5-4-2 Misfire - more than one cylinder. 5-4-3Misfire - at least one cylinder. 5-4-4 Misfire - more than one cylinder/catalytic converter damage. 5-4-5 Misfire - at least one cylinder/catalytic converter damage. 5-5-1 Misfire - #1 cylinder/catalytic converter damage. 5-5-2 Misfire - #2 cylinder/catalytic converter damage. 5-5-3 Misfire - #3 cylinder/catalytic converter damage. 5-5-4 Misfire - #4 cylinder/catalytic converter damage. 5-5-5 Misfire - #5 cylinder/catalytic converter damage.

What Scientific argumentation makes scientific results 1. permanent 2. stronger 3. invalid 4. biased?


What does invalid destination mean when sending a text message?

There are 3 reason means uve not entered the +44 or 07 number in first or 2. that number has a block you so you cannot text that number or 3. theres no signal on the phone whatsoever.

Is a pH of 2 stronger or weaker than a pH of 3?

A pH of 2 is stronger (more acidic) than a pH of 3. The pH scale is logarithmic, meaning each whole number change represents a tenfold difference in acidity.

1 3 in number format?

1 3 are in number format!

Is 1 over 3 a natural number?

No, 1/3 is not a natural number or even an integer. 1/3 is an irrational fraction and a real number.