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Q: What is subjective view in statistics?
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What is the definition of Subjective View?

A subjective view is the way something seems to a specific person, as distinct from an objective view, which is the way something would seem to any reasonable viewer. A subjective view has whatever bias, preconception, obsession, or blind spot that some particular person has, who has this subjective view. The best example of this is that each person on Earth is, in his or her own subjective view, the center of the universe and the most important person in the world (although some people understand that this subjective view is not accurate, and have made the effort to see themselves more objectively).

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Subjective point of view?

POINT OF VIEW- is the way the author allows the reader to see and here whats going on in the story.There are different types of point of views; First Person, Second person, Third person and so on.

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Why do you need a subjective point of view?

If your trying to explain something, you need to understand it.

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You can view your own vital statistics by looking in the mirror and using a measuring tape to record the measurements of your waist, chest/breast, hips(women) and legs.

What is the difference between an objective point of view and a subjective point of view?

An objective point of view is based on facts and observable phenomena, while a subjective point of view is influenced by personal opinions, feelings, and experiences. Objective views strive to be impartial and unbiased, while subjective views are inherently colored by individual perspectives.

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What is the ideal of objectivity?

To not insert one's subjective bias, or point of view, into the research or issue at hand.