

What is subtances example 10?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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Q: What is subtances example 10?
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Give 5 example subtances?

If we consider substance a synonym for compound: sodium chloride, uranyl nitrate, barium oxide, formic acid, lithium hydroxide.

The starting subtances that are evoled in a chemical reaction?

are the reactants.

What are the three types of subtances?

solid, liquid, gas

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the staring of subtances

A combination of two or more subtances?

it's a solution

Mixtures relate to subtances?

somewhat... in mixture, the solvent dissolves into the solute. in substance, the solvent merely mixes with the solute. for example, salt in water is a substance. the salt mixes with the water.

Why do you need to use scientific method?

To measure the method ; and to mixed the other subtances ..

What are the adaptations of coral?

They stick themselves to hard subtances and stay there for the rest of there life.