

What is subtraction possible?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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Q: What is subtraction possible?
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Nope. Its not possible

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Why axiom of subtraction not exist?

In science and mathematics one objective is to be as parsimonious as possible. This means that we try to develop theories using as few basic ideas as possible. Although subtraction is a convenient part of language we don't need it in mathematics because it can be thought of as negative subtraction. This is an example of parsimony.

What perform a possible math operation?

By using division, multiplication, addition or subtraction

Can the operation subtraction have properties?

Not by itself. A mathematical operation has properties in the context of a set over which it is defined. It is possible to have a set over which properties are not valid.Having said that, the set of rational numbers is closed under subtraction, as is the set of real numbers or complex numbers.Multiplication is distributive over subtraction.

What Subtraction equals 0.2?

There are infinitely many possible answers. Two examples: 5 - 4.8 5.34563456 - 5.14563456

Algorithm for subtraction of two numbers?

read the value A,b store the result of subtraction of a,b in continer subtraction display subtraction

The answer we get after subtraction is called?

The answer we get after subtraction is called

Who invented subtraction?

who invented subtraction?

What equals 27 in subtraction?

There are infinitely many possible answers. One such is 27.3 - 0.3

What subtraction expression involves two positive integers and has a negative answer?

There are infinitely many possible answers. For example, (3) - (5) = -2.

The answer to subtraction is?

you calll the answer to a subtraction problem a difference