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a naturally slow release phosphate fertilizer. plants need three major nutrients: nitrogen, phosphate, and potash (potassium) or NPK for short.

Super phosphate is a fertilizer produced by the action of concentrated sulfuric acid H2SO4

on powdered phosphate rock. Ca3(PO4). Calcium sulphate and calcium phosphate is yielded.

3 Ca3(PO4)2 + 6 H2SO4 → 6 CaSO4 + 3 Ca(H2PO4)2

Tomato plants and any flowering plant can use 1/3 more super phosphate if you are using NPK 10 10 10. Apply on the surface of the soil and it will be slow acting dissolving into the soil over a six month period with normal watering. The extra phosphate will also help build a stronger root and trunk system. In addition to adding phosphate it adds calcium, and sulfur to your garden soil. Since the phosphate rock it is made from is not pure it adds magnesium, manganese, copper, iron and other minor elements to your soil. The reaction with water is slightly acid. Your garden should be checked once a month for Ph, nitrogen, phosphate and potassium. Cheap test kits can be bought at your garden store.

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Q: What is superphosphate fertilizers?
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How is phosphorus added to soil?

Phosphorus can be added to soil through the application of phosphorus-containing fertilizers. These fertilizers can be inorganic (such as superphosphate or triple superphosphate) or organic (such as bone meal or manure). The phosphorus from these sources becomes available to plants as they grow and absorb it from the soil.

Is superphosphate synthetic or processed?

Phosphates are natural minerals; but phosphatic fertilizers are products of the chemical industry.

What are the examples of chemical fertilizers?

Examples of chemical fertilizers include ammonium nitrate, urea, and superphosphate. These fertilizers are synthetically produced and typically provide essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium to plants for their growth and development.

What acid is used in fertilizers and photographic film?

Nitric acidANsw2. Well, Superphosphate fertilizer is made by reacting rock phosphate with sulphuric acid.But both nitrates and ammonia are used by plants as fertilizers as a source of nitrogen.

What chemical fertilizer helps to make fruit sweet?

Phosphorus-rich fertilizers, such as superphosphate or triple superphosphate, can help enhance fruit sweetness by promoting healthy root development and aiding in sugar transport within the plant. Potassium fertilizers, like potassium sulfate or potassium chloride, also play a role in fruit ripening and sugar accumulation, which can contribute to increased sweetness. It's important to use these fertilizers in appropriate amounts and as part of a balanced fertilizer regimen to avoid nutrient imbalances.

Is sulfuric acid used to make rubber fertilizers and plastic?

Sulfuric acid is used in the production of fertilizers and in certain stages of rubber and plastic manufacturing processes. It is commonly used to produce superphosphate fertilizers and in the vulcanization of rubber, as well as in the production of certain types of plastics like polyethylene terephthalate (PET).

Where does chemical fertilizer come from?

Chemical fertilizers are usually synthesized using minerals such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. These minerals are processed into various forms, such as ammonium nitrate, superphosphate, and potassium sulfate, which are then mixed and packaged as chemical fertilizers for agricultural use.

Where the single super phosphate use?

Single superphosphate is commonly used as a fertilizer in agriculture to provide a high concentration of phosphorus to plants. It helps in promoting root development, flowering, and fruiting in crops. It is also used to correct phosphorus deficiencies in soil.

What is The percentage of phosphrous in superphosphate?

Superphosphate typically contains between 16-20% phosphorus.

How are fertilizers manufactured?

Fertilizers are manufactured through a process that involves synthesizing essential nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium into a form that can be easily absorbed by plants. This is typically done by using raw materials like ammonia, phosphate rock, and potash, which are chemically processed to create different types of fertilizers such as urea, ammonium nitrate, and superphosphate. The final products are then packaged and distributed for agricultural use.

What are some examples of phosphorous materials?

Jelly fish are a good example of phosphorous materials. Jelly fish shine at night and can be seen very easily floating in water. Other amoeba also have phosphorous characteristics and also shine in the dark.

What are common forms of treated or processed phosphate compounds?

phosphoric acid, triple superphosphate, ammonium phosphate, and superphosphate